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Welcome to AEO Accreditation Consultants

We at AEO Accreditation Consultants, are tirelessly serving the international supply chain since 2013. Companies indulging in international trade with Customs-related activities are our potential trade partners. We specialize in assisting with the accreditation of AEO certificates in India. We customize our services as per the client's requirements to deliver the desired results. In the fast-evolving need of Safe Transport worldwide, the importance to follow International standards of safe transport has become eminent in attaining business targets.

Trust Area: We have an extremely experienced team of Freight Industry Experts who specialize in the field of Cargo Terminal Management at shipping ports & airports, Warehousing, Security, Customs EDI systems & Customs regulations, etc. We customize our services as per the need of the client and deliver to achieve the desire goal.

Our Vision: To provide organizations with a niche internationally recognized safety quality standard that indicates their secure & customs compliant status in the international supply chain. Any entity with an AEO status can, therefore, be considered a secure trader and a reliable trading partner.

Mandate: Facilitation & consultancy services for accreditation of India Customs AEO certificate to any industry involved in International Trade e.g. Exporters, Importers, Customs House Agents, Custodians or Terminal Operators, Logistics Service Providers (Carriers/Forwarders), and Warehouse Operators.

Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme: "Authorized Economic Operator" is an entity validated and authorized by respective Customs in accordance to their businesses with an internationally recognized security standard. This programme promotes an AEO certified company as a 'secure' and 'reliable' trade partner. Over the years, AEO has become a flagship programme for WCO Members as it offers an opportunity for Customs to share its responsibilities with the businesses, while at the same time rewarding them with a number of additional benefits. As of March, 2015, 168 out of 180 WCO Members have signed Letters of Intent committing to implement the SAFE Framework. In India, the AEO programme was launched in 2011.

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